Monday, January 30, 2012

Hands in the air if you like slumber parties

Yes I do!!

This weekend instead of heading to my family's beef farm I decided to take in a little more of the city of Milwaukee. Check back on Friday for more of the city details. My cousins, Maddie & Noah, who I've talked about before, have have begging me for a sleep over. So on Saturday night after getting back from a yummy Mexican joint and a few margaritas (clarification: the kids did not have ritas!) we pulled out the couch cushions and had a slumber party! It's the little things like waking up and finding yourself wedged between a five and seven year old on three couch cushion squares and covered in a princess sleeping bag appreciate the little things in life. It also brought back childhood memories of doing this myself with friends that would come over and how exciting it was to set up a mini camp in the living room filled with all our pillows and sleeping bags. Half the fun was planning where everyone would sleep and what games we'd play with our flashlights!

Do any of you have fun childhood sleepover memories?
You may have seen this on Instagram (follow me at: starrnicole) and
Twitter (follow me @nstarrgirl).

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