Monday, June 16, 2014

Little Black Dress Challenge

We've all been there. Wasting away an evening with a glass of wine, being suckered in to Pinterest. A spark of motivation hits when you scroll to the "Bikini abs in 30 days", "Flat belly workout" or the "Little Black Dress" workout challenge. It's pinned to the Fitness board, because honestly you will do it. If anything, you're Pinterest followers will believe you're stepping up for game for summer.
Well, a Spartan friend of mine had an idea to make these challenges become a reality. Meaning we actually do them. She put the 30-day challenge of her choice into a group text message to her sister and a friend from Nebraska. Challenge was completed. Word spread. I wanted in, and so did her coworker. Another 30 day challenge was completed. Word spread, more joined. Get the idea? So, this is how it works:
  • Someone in the group finds a workout challenge, shares it in the group text
  • When you're finished each day you text the group "DONE" or words of motivation
  • This encourages everyone else to do the workout scheduled for that day, because you don't want to be that person that doesn't do it!
  • Once the whole challenge is completed, it's up to someone to find a new challenge and more people can join.
Right now there's six of us. From Michigan to Oregon and a few places in between, we're motivating each other daily through our workout challenge text group. A couple I haven't even met and some I know quite well. One has an great blog you'll have to check out: Real World Sara.
Today starts my third challenge, this one is called: Little Black Dress. I'm sharing the schedule we'll be following for the next month. Will you accept the challenge, too?!


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