Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Get the Door! It's Dominos.

More than pizza delivery.

A great new look to a pizza box.
Collector item?!
Without Dominos during college I would have starved. The beef barn, classes and my social life kept me pretty busy, cooking a meal was a pretty low priority. At the time it was much easier to cram for those exams with friends when pizza and beer were involved.
And now I don't feel so guilty, I'm proud to have supported Dominos because they are supporting my family and every animal agriculture operation. Rejecting HSUS and turning to the experts in animal care and behavior was a smart move on their part. I'm glad to see them trust industry professionals and hope other companies follow suite.
When hearing the news, agriculturalists stopped dead in their tracks and headed to pick up a pizza to support a company that supports them. Last weekend was the official AG PIZZA PARTY to show our appreciation. But let the party continue, support a business that wants to work alongside us.
Printable thank you notes from a farmer or rancher are provided, make sure you print it out and give it to your local Dominos. But you don't have to be a farmer, any advocate can show their appreciation to this fine pizza establishment. You can also show your appreciation by giving them a little shout out on Facebook and/or Twitter.


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