Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to School 2012

In Wisconsin, today was the official start of school. To me it feels like back to school: dew on my car, sunsets getting earlier and last weekend was the start of college football. Go Green!
Growing up it was tradition to get our first day of school picture, book bag in tow, on our front steps before the bus came. No matter how old or young, taking the bus or being old enough to drive ourselves, the three of us sisters always lined up with our outfits that we'd be planning for days! Besides what we were going to wear on the first day, it was also a big decision if one was to pack a lunch or eat the school lunch. What would be served? What would be the "cool" thing to do? Most times during my twelve years, it was "cool" to eat the school lunch, odds were that it was going to be something good since after all it was the first day of school!
Today, however I wondered.... what would be "cool"? And what would I have done? As most of you have heard the school lunch program has cut the amount of red meat served to students. While it's great to increase the amount veggies and fruits, should one food group suffer? How will students get the proper nutrition and calories? Take for example Katie Pinke's son who is a football player and needs the vitamins and minerals to be a star at the games.
While I don't have kids in school, I'm still a concerned individual about the health and diets of children. My nephew Isaac loves lean beef, those lunch ladies will be in for a rude awakening when he goes through the lunch line in a few years.

Did your kids take the school lunch today? What was served?
Stay up to date by joining the Sensible School Lunch facebook group.

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